Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hobby Lobby: Free Stuff VS. "The Free Exercise Thereof"

From the hard right to the extreme left, everyone is tossing around their opinion about the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby (spoiler alert: I'm about to do so as well...). Liberals' heads are exploding left and lefter. But in reality, no Democrat is actually upset about the ruling. They're feigning outrage, but inside they're actually giddy. That's because they think they've got a new talking point that's going to flip the election polls in their favor. They think they've got a "war on women" reboot coming, and they couldn't be more excited. Already they're going to battle. Throughout the left and in the media we're seeing "not my boss's business" and other "clever" one liners from people who have no idea what this ruling actually says or means. Before you buy into their garbage, before you get yourself pissed and ready to throw down, consider this:

1. Of the TWENTY different contraceptives Obamacare attempts to force upon employers, Hobby Lobby objected to FOUR. They have no problem paying for the others and have no plans to opt out of them
2. The court said only closely held companies, not large board-run corporations, can even be considered to have a legitimate claim of religious freedom as it pertains to the contraceptive mandate
3. We're talking about truly held, long standing religious beliefs, not garbage, BS "beliefs" that are clearly made up to game the system (no sane person believes that SCUTUS would rule in favor of someone claiming that taxes or jury duty are against their religion)

Most liberals don't care about these facts, and most don't understand ruling for 2 reasons: they don't know how to apply common sense to individual circumstances, and they believe all religion is 100% made up and arbitrary. They are assuming this ruling is an absolute. It is not, and the ruling itself states as much. Any case of an employer seeking an exemption from the contraceptive mandate will be considered individually, on its own merits. But the slippery slope argument is much easier to defend than the truth for liberals. The same folks also hold a form of disdain for religion, believing that anyone who still subscribes to a religion in 2014 is a Neanderthal and should not be allowed to have rights. They think we're all incapable of participating in society simply because we believe in a higher power (a power higher than government). Again, not so. The freedom of religion is one of our most deeply held and protected rights. That's why it was named first in the bill of rights. It's no more or less vital to American liberty than freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble or the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Whether you agree with someone's beliefs is irrelevant. Whether you feel someone is "worthy" of rights is irrelevant.  We are all guaranteed the rights outlined in the Constitution and they cannot be suspended without due process. That goes for business owners as much as it does for employees, or any private citizen for that matter. Whether it's a small minority or an overwhelming majority, you can no more force someone to abandon their religion than you can make someone adhere to one. That's a basic principle outlined in our Constitution, and it cannot be thrown out because people think they shouldn't have to pay to keep from getting pregnant. There are plenty of ways to not get pregnant for free that don't involve forcing your boss to pay.

Here's another point that isn't getting covered by the Obama-loving-sorry-excuse-for-a-media: just because you WANT free birth control of any kind at anytime, doesn’t mean it's a human right to have it. However, I'll leave that part open to debate. For now let's assume we all agree as a nation and pass legislation to make it so. It would still not hold true that your neighbors or your employer should have to pay for it. Look at it this way: I'm just a pro 2nd Amendment as any freedom loving American. I am deeply committed to the right to protect your family and your liberty, but I would never proclaim that I'm entitled to "free" guns at my neighbor's or my boss's expense. I would never demand that the government or my employer give me guns and ammo- which are a hell of a lot more expensive than the morning after pill! Just because it is my right to do something or express myself, it doesn't mean it must be free of charge. Journalists have to pay for schooling, and the tools of their trade, do they not? Freedom of the press doesn't mean "free stuff if you want to be a member of the press". The same would still hold true if contraceptives were declared a human right. Look, it's not that Hobby Lobby or conservatives are looking to take certain contraceptives out of your hands or off the market. They simply don't want to pay for something that goes against their religious beliefs. That's the real debate, and anyone spouting anything else is dancing around what they can't defend.

Another argument I keep hearing is that "employers can now force their religious beliefs on employees". Funny thing is, they leave out the part about the employees that have been demanding that their bosses abandon their beliefs. The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Prohibiting an employer who truly subscribes to real, non-harmful religious beliefs from exercising those beliefs, and forcing them to pay for contraceptives that their beliefs dictate to be unGodly, is directly prohibiting that employer from freely exercising their religion. It's the definition of "prohibiting the free exercise thereof". That's a clear violation of the first amendment. No one is harmed, injured or unduly burdened if an employer doesn't pay for their pills. Like I said, no one is blocking anyone's access to birth control. SCOTUS simply ruled that you can't make your employer pay for it.

As always, before you decide to chastise or vilify someone over this, consider the source of all the outcry, and go get the information from the horse's mouth by reading the ruling yourself. I know from my own common sense that this ruling is completely in line with the Constitution. But you don't have to take my word for it, and I don't want you to. You don't need me or Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or anyone else to tell you what to be outraged about, and you certainly don't need us to tell you what others have allegedly said. You've got access to that, all at the click of a button. Go find out for yourself. There's no reason not to know the truth.

God Bless