Friday, April 5, 2013

We The People: To Know Where We're Going, We Must Acknowledge Where We've Been

Every day I see more reason to expect the worst for America. Our govt has been untrustworthy as a whole for decades. Politicians stopped pursuing honor, integrity, justice and freedom for the people long ago. Journalism has long abandoned the search for truth, choosing instead to sway public opinion in the direction their supposedly "enlightened" minds see fit. All this we know, and all this we ignore- most of us anyway. Too many of us don't care what goes on in Washington, or in our own cities for that matter, either because we think none of it matters, or because we believe we have no power to bring about change. I could spend hours spouting various quotes and evoking ideals patriotism and the pride of the individual, in an attempt to convince you, or re-instill in you, that to believe we the people have no power over the government or the media is inherently false. I'll spare you the passionate ramble on Capitalism, the Constitution and Individual Liberty- at least for the moment. Instead I want to explain WHY we've come to a juncture in the American story at which the great nation of the people by the people and for the people has been reduced to a nation of the ignorant, by the elitists and for the state. Many of us who pay attention know how we got here, but many don't. Even fewer are ready to admit WHY. We can blame Republicans and Democrats until we're blue in the face and never scrape the surface of the problem. It's not a matter of failed policies and rampant corruption- that's HOW we hot here, not WHY.

It may sound strange, but we can't blame politicians for all of it. You can't place all the blame on poor policies, poorly implemented, because at some point, directly or otherwise, those ideas were signed off on by someone else, higher up the chain. Those policies were allowed to come to fruition by the very people who are meant to keep government in check. The people with the most power over government have allowed that power to be hijacked by corrupt men and women who believe that America and freedom are the problem, not the solution. Slowly but surely, the corrupt have slithered their way into every facet of our daily lives, from schools to churches to the media and even the White House. Yes, they've corrupted the American dream, demonized and discouraged individual talent and success, and put us on a path toward inevitable meltdown through blatant corruption and utter stupidity- and that's putting it nicely. However, they were ALLOWED to do so. WE have allowed it. We can complain all we want about the state of our union, but most Americans are tacitly complicit at minimum, and in the worse cases we've been actively complicit. We removed ourselves from the equation of the American political system, and so allowed those who would destroy our way of life to begin to do just that. We quit teaching our children to be virtuous, responsible and productive. We quit teaching our children to be involved, informed citizens. We didn't tell them that ignorance is the vessel through which tyranny arises. We lost our focus. We lost our resolve. We lost our will to stand up for Liberty, and the inalienable rights endowed to us by nature, and nature's God.

I would love to blame Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for all of our problems. I'd love to prove that RINO Republicans are responsible for allowing things to get this bad. I would love to be able to tell you with conviction that America has been duped into submitting to the leftists, but I can't. The fact is, we gave up on our own values, as a nation, a long time ago. There are individuals all over who still believe in the Constitution, the rule of law and the power of the individual. Not everyone has lost their principles. Unfortunately, we lost a key element to of the endurance of America. We forgot that we are ONE nation of many individuals. We've become instead a shredded mix of classes, separated by random collections of characteristics. The poor combat the wealthy, the minorities combat the old white guys, the heterosexuals combat the homosexuals, the faithful combat the atheists- and all the while no one cares what goes on in Washington as long as their specific cause isn't hurt by it. Much of the time it's the government that ignites these spats among us. And instead of performing our civic duty and turning our focus to stopping the government in its tracks, we play right into their hands by fighting amongst ourselves. The government gets to do whatever it want while we bicker in the streets. Through the generations, fewer and fewer Americans have passed down the ideals of our founding, and have chosen instead to embrace government as their provider, teacher and even healer. We stopped pursuing our own individual successes, and we no longer search for the truth in the world around us. We've become a country of gimme, rather than a nation of givers. We're lazy. We want the world at no cost. We want the best money can buy without working to earn a dime. We're helpless to support ourselves, and ignorant of the world beyond our front doors. We believe we are entitled to anything we want, and we have to drive to EARN any of it. It has to stop. If we continue to ignore our responsibility to stand up for our principles, this trend will continue, and our nation will continue to deteriorate until it's too late. IT HAS TO STOP.

My friends, I will never give up hope for a revival of the American spirit, and I will never stop believing that America's brightest days are yet to come. But if we're serious about making real, lasting changes for the betterment of our union and our posterity, we have to look first in the mirror, with open minds, and honest hearts. For most of us, it was never a conscious effort on our part, but we are here nonetheless. The only crime most of us are guilty of is inaction. But here we are. Until we accept some responsibility as a nation, and begin to BE the change America needs, everything will continue as it has for so long, and all out failure will eventually come to us. This is not a problem that can be solved by a few individuals, or even 300 million of them. It's a problem that HAS to be challenged head on by one nation, unified in its passion for life, liberty and pursuing individual happiness. As much as I wish I could say they were, politicians are not wholly to blame for our problems, and in all honesty that's always been the case. If we the people had never lost sight of our principles, and never relinquished our power to the government we are charged with constraining, then no man, woman, committee, house, Congress, court or President would have been able to use our power against us. The facts are as lamentable as they are undeniable- the true culprits here, the people who are most responsible for WHY America has found itself at this crossroad, are the very people who are most directly harmed by the current state of our union- WE THE PEOPLE. Too many Americans have no idea what their role is in our republic, and therefore have no clue about how we can make this nation work for all of us again. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs, but you can't break those eggs if you don't know the recipe. That is our charge now- to make every American aware of their role in our government. We must not rest until the Constitution is as familiar to each of us as our own name. Fighting for freedom and the strength of the individual should come as natural to us as eating and breathing. If these now marginalized American values are not restored as our universal foundation, America will fall. Maybe in ten years, maybe in a hundred. It's merely a matter of time. I will do whatever I can bring America back with a passion. I will not rest, and I will never stop reaching out to my fellow Americans in hopes of igniting in them the same passion for liberty that burns within my soul. I am one individual pursuing liberty, amonsgt many individuals divided by government. America needs to be one nation of many diverse individuals, unified in liberty. You knw as well as I do that we can't trust the government with our future. WE THE PEOPLE must make it happen.

Liberty, Truth and Justice for all

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