Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dear GOP: THIS Is How You Respond To Critics...

I've seen this come up a lot recently, and since no Republican politician seems to have the oratory ability to articulate a good response, I've come up with one that I think illustrates the point pretty well. Feel free to use it...

LIBERAL: Republicans are such hypocrites, complaining about Obamacare being so terrible and then complaining when the President changes it. You can't have it both ways!

Conservatives are not trying to have it both ways on Obamacare. We hear these arguments that say "they're full of it because they're mad that a law they hate isn't being implemented". That's a false premise folks, and a flimsy argument by any measure.

First, the law is absolutely being implemented, just not by the timeline that was written into the law. On a pure separation of powers basis, the President can't change laws without Congress, regardless of whether we like the law or not (or whether the President's poll numbers are slipping). It's not hypocritical at all to defend the Constitution even when it means a law you disagree with will be implemented because of it (quite the opposite actually, that's kinda what our politicians promise to do when they're sworn in...).

Second, it's not about the law not being implemented. It's about a President, who forced this massive overhaul of our healthcare system on us changing the law on his own, which he does not have the authority to do, for the sole purpose of saving political face. THAT is what we're upset about. Obama and Congressional Democrats rammed this through, against public opinion, using a backdoor procedure, while lying to all of us about its merits. It's about the President and Democrats unilaterally changing and selectively enforcing their own legacy law because it's hurting the American people, hurting our economy, and most importantly to them- it's hurting their poll numbers. THAT is what we're upset about. Obama and Congressional Democrats lied to our faces, and instead of fixing the problems created by this train wreck, they've merely slowed the drip of implementation, hoping either that the American people won't notice, or that they're too dependent on government to risk doing anything about it. By unilaterally changing the law without going through the prescribed constitutional procedure, Obama and the Democrats are still trying to hide the truth about this law from the American people. Despite all of the bad we know it's doing, and will continue to do, they've decided that their way of doing things is better, and more "fair", regardless of the actual outcome. That's not leadership, it's a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum. Think about it- it's like a CEO setting all prices for his company's products at $.01, because he thinks it's better for business and more "fair", then refusing to admit he was wrong and not changing his policies once the company starts to go bankrupt and the mass layoffs begin. THAT is what Obama and the Democrats are doing with Obamacare. It makes no sense to anyone who looks at this from a practical, logical standpoint. But Obama and the Democrats aren't concerned with logic and practicality. They're only concern is ideology. THAT is why we're upset. It's not hypocrisy, it's patriotism in it's purest form.

The next time you hear someone calling Republicans hypocrites for opposing Obama's executive actions on Obamacare, stop them in their tracks and set the record straight. Although, i certainly can't promise they'll be able to follow cogent reasoning...

God Bless.