Saturday, October 5, 2013

Government Shutdown: Lincoln vs. Obama

Someone posted this on my Facebook page today with the caption "Deja Vu?" Occasionally these types of posts really get to me, even though I shouldn't let them. Lately I try to stay brief and direct, but this one really struck a nerve, so I let it fly. This was my response: 
The difference is Lincoln was listening to the people and doing what was actually best for them WITH THEIR SUPPORT. All of the facts show a majority of the country is not in in favor of Obamacare as is. Many don't want it at all, and many want major parts of it changed. At minimum a large majority want the individual mandate delayed or repealed. But Obama is ignoring public opinion because HE wants the mandate because HIS legacy legislation is rooted in that mandate because HIS ideas and HIS regulations and HIS path to a single payer system depend on maximum participation. He knows HIS law will not be popular once implemented and they added the individual mandate to force participation in HIS BAD LAW. Lincoln's goal was to preserve the union and INCREASE Liberty for ALL. Obama wants to fundamentally transform our union and reign in our liberty in order to fulfill HIS notion of "fairness" and not the equal justice under the law that America was founded on. Obama wants a socialist state, and health care is the back door to achieving that goal. 
Lincoln loved liberty and individualism, Obama despises them, because they come with inherent restraints that keep him from being able to create his dream state where government tells the people what they want, what they need and what "fair" is. You can disagree with their methods, but the Republicans in the house and the lone few in the Senate fighting to defund Obamacare are listening to the people, and the people want it stopped. When most of government is ignoring the will of the people, those who are able to challenge them not only have the means to do so dictated by the Constitution, they have a RESPONSIBILITY to challenge them. That is why our government was set up the way it is. Checks and balances exist and are perfectly legal and necessary, regardless of who sits in the oval office. Yes, a government shutdown can be bad for a lot of people, especially when the President orders those beneath him to make life as inconvenient as possible to prove his point, and when advisers to the president say things like "We don't care how long it lasts, we're winning and that's all that really matters". But we don't send people to Washington to make simple every day choices and collect a check. We send them to make difficult, often hard to stomach decisions. Obamacare is going to hurt this country, and making small changes after its implementation is not going to solve anything. It should have been repealed and replaced with a better solution that actually addresses health CARE costs, because THAT is the root of the health INSURANCE problem that Obamacare is supposedly trying to fix, but in reality is making worse. 
Lincoln was listening to the people, and specifically people who many at the time considered not to be worthy of a say, or of any right guaranteed by the Constitution. Now the people deemed unworthy of having their voices heard are those who believe in the Constitution and the principles it was conceived upon. Support whoever you want, but comparing this situation with Obama, to ANYTHING Lincoln ever did or said, is comparing apples to an empty burlap bag with "APPLES" stamped on it. Similar words do not constitute like motives or intent. By that logic I could certainly compare Obama to every dictator in history couldn't I?

"Some will warn you that tyranny lurks just around the corner. You should reject those voices."

Doesn't sound like Lincoln now, does he? Sounds more like Hitler, Stalin, Mao or the British Crown of the revolutionary era- you know, the guys we fought AGAINST to create a republic based on individual liberty. Don't give me this crap about Obama doing what Lincoln did or would do. That's garbage and you're smarter than than. At least you should be...